True Stories

from A$10.00
sold out

Saturday 22 April
12.30-1.30 pm
Auditorium 2
State Library of Queensland

Presented with the support of Rabbit Poetry.

How does poetry explore, and interrogate the boundaries of non-fiction? How does it use real world experience, interpretation and recollection? This panel asks after poetry’s power to transform, reinterpret and convey the truth, whatever its guise. 

Poets: Angela Gardner, Janaka Malwatta, Rebecca Cheers

Host: Jessica Wilkinson

Accessibility: This venue is wheelchair accessible.

Ticket Types: $15 (waged), $10 (unwaged), $20 (generous supporter)

Want More? Festival passes are available.

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Saturday 22 April
12.30-1.30 pm
Auditorium 2
State Library of Queensland

Presented with the support of Rabbit Poetry.

How does poetry explore, and interrogate the boundaries of non-fiction? How does it use real world experience, interpretation and recollection? This panel asks after poetry’s power to transform, reinterpret and convey the truth, whatever its guise. 

Poets: Angela Gardner, Janaka Malwatta, Rebecca Cheers

Host: Jessica Wilkinson

Accessibility: This venue is wheelchair accessible.

Ticket Types: $15 (waged), $10 (unwaged), $20 (generous supporter)

Want More? Festival passes are available.